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3 Cost Effective Ways to Solve Metro Manila's Traffic Problem

The Facebook page of ANC 24/7 is asking for its reader's suggestion on how to solve Metro Manila's traffic problem. This got me thinking, "what is the best way to solve Metro Manila's traffic problem?" It's easy to make suggestions, what's hard is the implementation and the cost of implementation. So what is the the best way to solve Metro Manila's traffic problem and the most cost effective solution? Punitive Fines Add caption First of all, any implementation will definitely cost money, a lot of money. The cause of the traffic mess is the people themselves so it's only right that those causing the traffic problem should be fined and the fine should hurt. That way, the fines will pay for the cost of enforcing the law. The fines should start at P500 and goes up every week if you don't pay it within 15 days. To enforce this and prevent people from ignoring the fine. It will be tied to their driver's license or car registr...

If I was the President of the Philippines - Part II

6. I will set up a more professional police force. Put all patrolmen in shorts and set up bicycle and motorbike police force to do the rounds. They will of course be properly trained in traffic safety as well as setting an example to every motorist from pedicab drivers to PUV drivers.

Instead of putting patrol cars, bicycles will be a more healthier and eco-friendly option. Not to mention the savings we'll get from not buying gas. Patrol cars are only for detectives and a small percentage of the patrols. Bicycles and motorcycles are easier to get through to traffic.

7. Complete revamp of LTO with regards to driver licensing. Everybody applying for a license must take a proper exam, computerized of course so no cheating. Everyone must also pass a road test and not just bribe the examiner to get a pass. PUV drivers must take a more extensive exam as well as a more extensive road test. This goes for jeepney drivers and bus drivers where they will have to go through a one week live driving course on road safety, road courtesy (to avoid stopping in the middle of the road).

Eliminate drug testing as it's just a complete cash cow that serves no purpose. Imagine how much money is being paid for a test that is a complete waste of time and money. Drug testing doesn't prove or remove dangerous drivers as they can easily bribe their way or get some way to pass the test.

A more effective way is a drunk driving check points to test for alcohol or drugs.

8. Improve traffic rules and regulation. Do driver information drive on TV, radio and print. Increase licensing fees and use the increase to fund the info drive. Teaching drivers how to stop properly, how to follow the rules and signs. And remove the "Swerving" violation as it makes totally no sense whatsoever. Changing lanes out of a U-turn slot that you saw only when it was too late because the sign was either obscured or placed too close the the slot is considered swerving, but other cars moving into the slot further ahead of you but coming from the far side of the road is not considered swerving? Makes no sense.

9. Do sting operations on the road for policemen or traffic cops looking for bribes. Immediate sentencing and thrown in jail for 6 months and immediate dismissal.

10. Clean up the streets of illegal parking, vendors and obstructions like businesses using sidewalks to repair vehicles, etc. Fix all sidewalks and make it accessible to the disabled. Remove electric post and lamps that are obstructing the use of the sidewalks and placed without regard for pedestrian use. Standardized the measurement and building of sidewalks to eliminate up and down sidewalks and disappearing sidewalks.

11. Eliminate street parking on single or two lane streets. Residents who live in narrow streets should find alternative parkings and are not allowed to park in front of their house on the street. Dismantle parking stalls put up by residents that obstruct the use of public street. Either they remove it or we will remove it and charge them for the cost of demolition.

12. Put proper loading and unloading zones for buses and jeepneys. PUVs will be run on a schedule and will not be allowed to stay in one area to wait for passengers. PUVs will only be allowed to use the two right-most lanes on streets with four or more lanes. For streets with three lanes or less, they will only be allowed to use the single right-most lane. The second lane will only be used to pass and not to travel upon. A yellow lane will be painted as a guide for them.

13. Private vehicles will be allowed to use the yellow lane only to drop off or emergencies. No parking in yellow lanes.

14. Eliminate the color coding scheme. It does not work, it only serves to buy more cars for the rich who can then use both cars when they both don't fall on the same day. Thus increasing the number of vehicles on the road.

15. Encourage the use of smaller and newer vehicles by making it cheaper to buy new ones and impose an environmental fee to vehicles over 15 years old. This is to discourage the use of inefficient vehicles that causes a lot of pollution due to older technology. Impose a higher tax on larger vehicles to discourage use.


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