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3 Cost Effective Ways to Solve Metro Manila's Traffic Problem

The Facebook page of ANC 24/7 is asking for its reader's suggestion on how to solve Metro Manila's traffic problem. This got me thinking, "what is the best way to solve Metro Manila's traffic problem?" It's easy to make suggestions, what's hard is the implementation and the cost of implementation. So what is the the best way to solve Metro Manila's traffic problem and the most cost effective solution? Punitive Fines Add caption First of all, any implementation will definitely cost money, a lot of money. The cause of the traffic mess is the people themselves so it's only right that those causing the traffic problem should be fined and the fine should hurt. That way, the fines will pay for the cost of enforcing the law. The fines should start at P500 and goes up every week if you don't pay it within 15 days. To enforce this and prevent people from ignoring the fine. It will be tied to their driver's license or car registr...

Reply To The Allegations Against The Sandwich Guy

This is the response of The Sandwich Guy to the e-mail blast sent by by Leovic P. Pablo about his experience with the restaurant.

The allegations posted by the complainant in his email blast are false and grossly irresponsible. The fact simply is that the complainant mistook water-soaked ingredients of his sandwich to that which he claims is phlegm.

The ingredients of the country tuna sandwich include cucumbers, tomatoes and lettuce, vegetables with high water content. During sandwich preparation, these vegetables may give off some of its water content to something that may be similar to the “colorless liquid” mentioned by the complainant in his email. This has been explained to him from the start.

We vehemently deny in the strongest possible terms insinuations that misdeed ever attended the preparation of our sandwiches. Our crew has never admitted to any wrongdoing and we find no motive whatsoever for any of them to carry out any misdeed as alleged. Our crew has been trained to uphold and maintain the store’s strict sanitary guidelines and etiquette in food preparation.

These twists and omissions of fact as well as the very detailed and graphic narration of the supposed ordeal are really intended to sway public support in his favor and unfairly expose The Sandwich Guy to “trial by internet publicity”.

We reserve the right to redeem and vindicate our company’s name by filing the necessary criminal and civil suits against those who, with malicious intent, aim to misrepresent the facts, malign the integrity of our crew and besmirch the reputation of our store. All branches of The Sandwich Guy have an OPEN KITCHEN that affords customers full and complete view of the preparation of their sandwich from start to finish. Everybody is welcome to solicitously observe the standards we have in place for food preparation and handling and see that it is highly improbable that any of our crew can do such a misdeed without being noticed by customers, the store supervisor or other members of the crew.

Rest assured of our store’s guarantee for fresh and healthy food which it has been serving since October 2009. We however ask the public to continually support our store and protect small companies like ours from irresponsible statements and unfounded allegations spread on the internet intended to diminish the public’s enjoyment of our products, as well as destroy the livelihood of those who depend on our store for work.

In the interest of fair play, we respectfully ask you to forward this reply to those who may have similarly received the complainant’s email. Should you have any comments, you may post them on our Facebook Page. Thank you for your support.

Eastwood Branch

See what I mean about denying liability? I'm not saying Leovic is right nor am I condemning The Sandwich Guy. For all I know, The Sandwich Guy could be right and Leovic was just over reacting.

I didn't even know that tomatoes and cucumber can create "clear liquid" that looks like phlegm. I'm sure people can differentiate what phlegm looks like and juices from tomatoes and cucumber when they come in contact with warm food.

But like I said, unless you have evidence showing your claim, it would be pretty hard to fight against these companies. First of all, where do you get the money to defend yourself against a criminal and civil suit?

Who's right or wrong in this incident? I have no idea, but both parties are losers in the end. The Sandwich Guy for not resolving this incident in the most amicable way as some people will definitely avoid eating at their restaurant and Leovic for having to defend himself in a lawsuit.


Unknown said…
Your writing is so boring. All you ever do is cut and paste stuff from your email account or cut and paste stuff from Youtube. And you have the audacity to harp about how good you are as a writer. Oh my, what modesty. Tsk tsk...
Unknown said…
Hi John,

Thank you for your comment. I'm glad that while my writing is boring, you find the time to visit my blog.

There is nothing to be modest about since I never claimed I was a good writer. This blog isn't about my "writing" nor did I ever claim I was a writer.

There is a reason this blog is called "Pala-isip - my thoughts on life, tech and whatever else I feel like saying".

I never claimed to write original content. I just blog whatever I feel like writing at the time.

Sure, I may be cutting and pasting materials from e-mails or articles I find around the net. But doesn't most people? Even news is copied and pasted around, mostly coming from the Associated Press.

The articles, e-mails and Youtube videos are just starting point for my thoughts and I usually write a response to them. I may on occasion write completely original materials and you may find them here from time to time.

But thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Any comment is appreciated.

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